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Terms & Condition

WHALES PIT - SIGNALS - Trading and Market Analysis is backed up by the only accredited Investment Fund to operate in Middle East and therefore must be run appropriately according to the following rules:

1- No member is allowed to share content from WHALES PIT VIP group .
2- No member is allowed to swear or insult other members, no matter the reason .
3- No member is allow to incite FEAR or GREED on other members, which may drive them to make trading decisions they wouldn’t in other conditions .
4- General good conduct and behavior is essential in any community, act accordingly .
5- Only risk what you can afford to lose, risk management guide will be provided to VIP members .

WHALES PIT VIP in not responsible for any profit or loss generated by its members .

6- All members must consider themselves responsible enough to see trading as a probability game and not a casino .

WHALES PIT VIP ’s main objective is providing trades that become profitable on the long run, even with a couple of Stop Losses being hit in between .

7- Any insider information shared to you in our THE WHALES PIT VIP channel is characterized by being government grade confidential material and should by no means be discussed about outside of our community.

WHALES PIT VIP channel is characterized by being government grade confidential material and should by no means be discussed about outside of our community .

8- All sales are final .

Violating any of our community rules will result in a temporary or permanent ban from WHALES PIT- VIP.